AGM – Online

Due to the current restrictions, this meeting will be held online via Zoom. We invite Parents & Caregivers to register their interest in attending this online meeting by returning your details on the attached letter (below) or emailing [email protected] If you wish to nominate to join our Governing Council please complete the nomination form (below) […]

Exams Day 1

0850 -1100 - STAGE 2 CHEMISTRY 0850 - 1100 - STAGE 1 CHEMISTRY 0850 - 1100 - STAGE 1 TOURISM 1250 - 1500 - STAGE 2 PHYSICS 1250 - 1500 - STAGE 1 MATHS METHODS 1250 - 1500 - STAGE 1 MATHS GENERAL

Exams Day 2

0850 - 1100 - STAGE 2 MATHS METHODS 0850 - 1100 - STAGE 2 MATHS GENERAL 0850 - 1100 - STAGE 2 MATHS ESSENTIAL 0850 - 1100 - STAGE 1 PHYSICS 1250 - 1500 - STAGE 1 BIOLOGY 1250 - 1500 - STAGE 2 BIOLOGY

Exams Day 3

0850 - 1100AM - STAGE 2 MATHS SPECIALIST 0850 - 1100 - STAGE 1 MATHS 3 0850 - 1100 - STAGE 1 MATHS ESSENTIAL 1250 - 1500 - STAGE 1 PSYCHOLOGY 1250 - 1500 - STAGE 2 PSYCHOLOGY

Casual Clothes Day

As part of Donate Life Week, we are holding several events this week to raise awareness amongst our Students. Students can choose to wear casual clothes to school and bring a gold coin donation to participate.