AGM – Online

Due to the current restrictions, this meeting will be held online via Zoom. We invite Parents & Caregivers to register their interest in attending this online meeting by returning your details on the attached letter (below) or emailing [email protected] If you wish to nominate to join our Governing Council please complete the nomination form (below) […]

Exams Day 1

0850 -1100 - STAGE 2 CHEMISTRY 0850 - 1100 - STAGE 1 CHEMISTRY 0850 - 1100 - STAGE 1 TOURISM 1250 - 1500 - STAGE 2 PHYSICS 1250 - 1500 - STAGE 1 MATHS METHODS 1250 - 1500 - STAGE 1 MATHS GENERAL

Exams Day 2

0850 - 1100 - STAGE 2 MATHS METHODS 0850 - 1100 - STAGE 2 MATHS GENERAL 0850 - 1100 - STAGE 2 MATHS ESSENTIAL 0850 - 1100 - STAGE 1 PHYSICS 1250 - 1500 - STAGE 1 BIOLOGY 1250 - 1500 - STAGE 2 BIOLOGY

Exams Day 3

0850 - 1100AM - STAGE 2 MATHS SPECIALIST 0850 - 1100 - STAGE 1 MATHS 3 0850 - 1100 - STAGE 1 MATHS ESSENTIAL 1250 - 1500 - STAGE 1 PSYCHOLOGY 1250 - 1500 - STAGE 2 PSYCHOLOGY