All students choosing Innovative Learning (STEM) or Innovative Learning (Humanities/Arts) will have the opportunity to explore local and global issues that aim to develop empathy, compassion, awareness and problem solving through the Australian Curriculum. Students will be supported to develop critical and creative thinking skills necessary to flourish as successful 21st century learners through our Values of Creativity, Excellence and Opportunity.

Students will develop perseverance and resilience through collaborative inquiry processes in partnership with industry and community. A focus on careers and pathways will be embedded to instil a passion for entrepreneurship, innovation and life-long learning.

STEM Innovative Learning

Learning Areas include Science, Technology and Mathematics
Students will solve real-world challenges using Inquiry and Problem Based Learning including:

  • SA Power Networks Power and Sustainability Challenge and
  • The British Aerospace Engineering Wetlands, Environment and Management Challenge

Humanities/Arts Innovative Learning

Learning Areas may include History, Geography and The Arts
Students will identify issues and awareness through contemporary technological problems that impact social, ethical, legal, environmental or political perspectives including:

  • The environmental impact of ‘fast fashion’ electronic waste and coffee cups
  • Ethic issues associated with Artificial Intelligence